Timeframe 13th Century

Ping Pong Summer

Ping Pong Summer

Ping Pong Summer
18IMDb 5.42014 92 min

The year is 1985. Rad Miracle is a shy 13-year-old white kid who's obsessed with two things: ping pong and hip hop. During his family's annual summer vacation to Ocean City, Maryland, Rad makes a new best friend, experiences his first real crush, becomes the target of rich, racist local bullies, and finds an unexpected mentor in his outcast next-door neighbor. Ping Pong Summer is about that time in your life when you're treated like an alien by everyone around you, even though you know deep down you're as funky fresh as it gets.

The Yards

The Yards

The Yards
12IMDb 6.42000 115 min

In the rail yards of Queens, contractors repair and rebuild the city's subway cars. These contracts are lucrative, so graft and corruption are rife. When Leo Handler gets out of prison, he finds his aunt married to Frank Olchin, one of the big contractors; he's battling with a minority-owned firm for contracts. Willie Gutierrez, Leo's best friend, is Frank's bag man and heads a crew of midnight saboteurs who ruin the work of the Puerto Rican-owned firm. Leo needs a job, so Willie pays him to be his back-up. Then things go badly wrong one night, a cop IDs Leo, and everyone now wants him out of the picture. Besides his ailing mom and his cousin Erica, to whom can Leo turn?

The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse
6IMDb 6.12000 180 min

It is 90 A.D., and the Roman Empire is being run by the Emperor Domitian, who has declared himself to be God, and ruler over heaven and Earth. The Christians, who do not recognize his divinity, are a thorn in his side, and he is having them cruelly persecuted. The small village in Asia Minor, to which the aged apostle John has withdrawn, is also attacked by Roman soldiers. As if by a miracle, John is the only person to escape the slaughter, and he receives divine orders to write down the visions he will have, and communicate them to the Christian communities in the Roman provinces of Asia. The voice tells him that they should discover what is and what will happen thereafter. Among the Christians of Asia Minor, who believe that John is dead, everyone is deeply worried about being persecuted. Gaius, the community elder in Smyrna, is concerned that only a few believers still dare come to the ritual supper. Under these circumstances, Christianity can no longer exist. But at this point, the young Irene appears at the secret meeting. She is convinced that John, who could give the Christians back their courage, is still alive, because a certain Theophilus, who is being held captive by the Romans on the island of Patmos, is in contact with him, and had a letter sent to her. In it, John describes his vision of Heaven: And behold, a throne was set in Heaven, and one sat on the throne, and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book that was sealed with seven seals. Neither Gaius, nor the other adult believers, understand what John means by this. Only a little child among them, also named John, grasps the sense of it: John realizes that the throne belongs to God, and sees the seven lamps of fire as the seven Christian communities of Asia Minor, together with the four elements and the book of seals with the mystery of faith that brings salvation. Yet the letter's mysterious origins make Gaius skeptical. He is only prepared to believe in the integrity of this vision, if John really is still alive. Old Theophilus, who in reality is John himself, has been sent to the prison island of Patmos, ruled by the corrupt Roman official Corvus, as a scribe, while the other prisoners have to do hard labor in the mines. Many of them hate Theophilus (John) because of the special treatment he is receiving, but above all, because he is a Christian. Nevertheless, he does succeed in converting some of his fellow prisoners to Christianity, such as the young scribe Demetrius, who is planning to escape along a secret tunnel. When the shaken John tells his companions about the crucifixion of the Savior, they realize that he was there at the time, and is actually John. He falls into a trance and experiences a new vision of Heaven: And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes. And he came and took the book. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Meanwhile, in Smyrna, the young Irene has taken her leave of Valerius, whom she loves with a pure heart. She does not realize that he is not a Christian at all, but a spy working for the notoriously brutal Roman general Rufus, who has been ordered by Domitian to persecute Christians in Asia Minor. Valerius is a Roman soldier, born as a slave, he has his foster-father Rufus to thank for everything he has now become. He therefore has to obey when Rufus sends him to Patmos. Disguised as a prisoner, Valerius is told to find out whether John is still alive, because there are incessant rumors that he is, and they are leading to unwelcome solidarity among the Christians. Meanwhile Irene, with the help of her brother Jonicus, who visits Patmos regularly as a trader, gains access to the prison camp there. She recognizes Valerius from a distance and gets very worried about him. She embarked on all these dangers for the sake of John. However, her greatest desire is to see the last living Apostle, and to tell everyone about him. John trusts her, and confides in her under the seal of secrecy. She receives his visions in written form and promises to circulate the text among the Christians. Meanwhile on Patmos, Valerius tries to gain the trust of the Christian prisoners by defending the old Sostenes against the guards and suffering severe punishment as a result. Bound to a cross, he is left in the burning sunshine, but John is the only one who dares give him any water. And to Valerius' great surprise, he seems to know all about him and Rufus. In the hell of the prison camp, where violence and resentment reign, John often wonders about his mission: why has the Lord trapped him on this island, instead of sending him out into the world to spread the glad tidings? Then, surrounded by his companions, he falls into a trance, and again he sees himself in Heaven, with the Lamb on the throne. It is being threatened by a heavily armed knight on a red horse who is bringing hatred and war to humanity. Then a black horse appears whose rider is holding a pair of scales: he is the bringer of injustice and selfishness. Meanwhile, Rufus has ordered the island's governor Corvus to come and see him to tell him to show more severity, especially toward the Christians. Corvus is worried about losing his lucrative job, and so he tells his guards to be even more watchful than before. As a result, he notices that Irene has slipped into the camp again with Jonicus, to collect John's latest message. However, Jonicus cleverly manages to talk the guards out of searching either himself or his sister. John's visions become increasingly frequent and exhaust his strength. Nevertheless, Demetrius is still hoping to be able to get him off the island. The tunnel is ready, and the escape is planned for that evening. But when John supports the maltreated Sostenes, he incurs the wrath of the governor. He is imprisoned and the escape plans are scrapped. In his prison cell, John has a new vision: the Lamb breaks the fourth seal and again a horse appears, the pale horse that brings death into the world, plagues and famines, accidents and earthquakes. Only the love of God can defeat it. That night, numerous prisoners want to use the tunnel to escape, but it is discovered by the guards, and the fugitives are slaughtered. For Demetrius, all hope of rescue has now vanished. But John consoles him, telling him that it is God's will that they remain here on the island. Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven, Jesus announces to him in the vision. And then he sees a huge number of people in Heaven: They called in a loud voice: Salvation cometh from our God. The Christians of Asia Minor, all in very great danger, cling to this belief, for the Romans are murdering them all, women and men, young and old alike. Irene and Ionicus put their lives into very great danger and, with the help of a guard, manage to free John and the other Christians from the camp, the Roman spy Valerius among them. A ship is waiting at the harbor. But John is too old and weak to shake off the guards pursuing them. He takes his leave of his companions and hides in a cave together with Valerius, who is transformed by the old man's influence, and becomes his helper. In the cave, John goes into a prophetic trance and has his last vision: And when the Lamb had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. When the angels blew one after the other into the trumpets, hail, fire, and locusts destroyed the Earth, the sea turned to blood, darkness covered the Earth and the Day of Judgment arrived. And I saw a new heaven and a new Earth, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain. Meanwhile Irene, Jonicus and Demetrius are arrested by Corvus and his men, and Valerius and John are found in their cave, their lives are forfeited. But at this point, Rufus arrives, and not only frees his foster son Valerius, but also the other captive Christians. It turns out that the Emperor Domitian is dead, and his successor has announced an amnesty. The persecution of the Christians is over. John, his companions, and the Christian communities all thank God for their salvation. Freed from his duty toward his foster-father, Valerius is finally free to embrace his beloved Irene.1st century90schristianitypersecutionancient rome6 morePlot summaryAdd synopsis

Spiders II: Breeding Ground

Spiders II: Breeding Ground

Spiders II: Breeding Ground
16IMDb 3.22001 96 min

Jason and Alexandra 'Alex', a close couple, lose their sail yacht in a storm and are grateful to get picked up by Captain Jim Bigelow's commercial carrier. Suspicious about the rough treatment and injections given by ship's doctor Gerbac which make the strong man faint, and realizing the ship is improbably empty and the radio not broken as the crew claims, Jason starts snooping around and finds human bodies on meat hooks, but even Alex thinks he's just hallucinating. Alas while sane Jason is restrained for his 'paranoia', the real madmen are the doc's genetic experiment outfit, who abuse their human captives as live incubators for a giant spider's eggs...



6IMDb 6.32001 94 min

Madison, Indiana, 1971. The Ohio river port is in full economic decline, its last pride and obsession being its uniquely town-owned power boat, although the raggedy old donation from a millionaire decades ago never comes close to a win. With his doted upon son Mike as most devoted fan, air-conditioner repairman Jim McCormick, who had to stop piloting it after a near-fatal accident, devotes all his 'spare' time to it, turning down professional opportunities as that would mean moving, as his wife suggests. Things climax when he realizes the town will either be scrapped from the national racing circuit or host the Gold Cup itself, requiring $50,000 fund raising.

Drama, Sport
Brotherhood of the Wolf

Brotherhood of the Wolf

Brotherhood of the Wolf
16IMDb 7.02001 142 min

In 1764 something was stalking the mountains of central France. A 'beast' that pounced on humans and animals with terrible ferocity. Indeed they beast became so notorious that the King of France dispatched envoys to find out what was happening and to kill the creature. By the end, the Beast of Gevaudan had killed over 100 people.To this day, no one is entirely sure what it was, a wolf? a hyena? or something supernatural? The Beast is a popular myth in France, albeit one rooted firmly in reality; somewhat surprisingly it is little known to the outside world, and perhaps incredibly it has never been made into a movie. Until now. Based on the true story of the Beast of the Gevaudan that terrorized France in the eighteenth century, the movie aims to tell first and explain afterwards. In the first part, a special envoy of the King of France, altogether biologist, explorer and philosopher, arrives in the Gevaudan region, in the mountainous central part of France. The Beast has been attacking women and children for months and nobody has been able to harm it or even take a good look at it. In the second part, our hero Chevalier de Fronsac will not only have to fight the Beast, but also ignorance, bigotry and conspiracy and will rely on two women, one an aristocrat, the other a prostitute, as well as the enigmatic Mani, an Iroquois he met in New-France (Canada).



PG-13IMDb 7.22000 109 min

After being denied a promotion at the university where she teaches, Doctor Lily Penleric, a brilliant musicologist, impulsively visits her sister, who runs a struggling rural school in Appalachia. There she stumbles upon the discovery of her life - a treasure trove of ancient Scots-Irish ballads, songs that have been handed down from generation to generation, preserved intact by the seclusion of the mountains. With the goal of securing her promotion, Lily ventures into the most isolated areas of the mountains to collect the songs and finds herself increasingly enchanted - not only by the rugged purity of the music, but also by the raw courage and endurance of the local people as they carve out meaningful lives against the harshest conditions. It is not, however, until she meets Tom - a handsome, hardened war veteran and talented musician - that she's forced to examine her motivations. Is the "Songcatcher," as Tom insists, no better than the men who exploit the people and extort their land?

Drama, Music
Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Captain Corelli's Mandolin
12IMDb 5.92001 131 min

In 1941, Italy allies with Germany and ruthlessly conquers the much weaker country of Greece. On a remote Greek island, an Italian artillery garrison is established to maintain order. One Italian officer, Captain Corelli, adopts an attitude of mutual co-existence with the Greeks and engages in such activities as music festivals and courting the daughter of a local doctor. In 1943, however, after Italy surrenders to the Allies and changes sides in the war, Captain Corelli must defend the Greek island against a German invasion.

The Order

The Order

The Order
16IMDb 4.62001 89 min

Van Damme plays Rudy whose father, Oscar is an archaeologist. His father goes to Israel. When his father disappears, he goes to Israel to find him. The chief of police claims that his father never entered the country, but an old friend of his father's was expecting him and before he could tell him more, some people start shooting at them. He manages to get away, and when he goes back to the police chief, he still refuses to believe that a crime has been committed. He then has Rudy deported, but Rudy convinces the police woman assigned to bring him to the airport not to and help him find his father.

Green Dragon

Green Dragon

Green Dragon
PG-13IMDb 6.12001 115 min

A tale about Vietnamese refugees sent to an orientation camp on the Camp Pendleton Marine Base in California, this movie focuses on a young boy and his sister. Set in 1975, the film chronicles the stories told to the two children by other refugees in the camp and of Tai Tran, who dares to introduce himself to Sergeant Jim Lance. In developing a relationship with Lance, Tran is able to improve conditions and communication for all in the refugee camp.

An American Rhapsody

An American Rhapsody

An American Rhapsody
PG-13IMDb 6.82001 106 min

In 1950, a Hungarian couple, Peter and Margit, are forced to flee from the oppressive communist country for the USA with their eldest daughter Maria, but are forced to leave behind their infant daughter Suzanne who is raised by kindly foster couple. 6 years later, Peter and Margit arrange for the American Red Cross to bring Suzanne to their new home in Los Angeles where the perplexed youth is forced to accept her sudden change in home and country which leads to a troubled growing up. At age 15, the rebellious and unsure-of-herself Suzanne tries to come to terms with her roots and decides to travel back to Budapest, Hungary to find her true identity.



Not RatedIMDb 4.72014 85 min

Suburbia, 2008. Swept up in a heady pre-recession world of absentee parents, plentiful booze and casual sex, aspiring photographer Fisher Miller escapes his middle-class life for the moneyed mansions of the young, beautiful elite. With a stash of high-quality weed and a vintage camera, he gains access to his gorgeous cousin Kate's circle of wealthy and indulged friends, just as their entitled reality is about to spin out of control. A revealing take on the hidden perils of privilege.

Downtown 81

Downtown 81

Downtown 81
UnratedIMDb 6.92000 72 min

The film is a day in the life of a young artist, Jean Michel Basquiat, who needs to raise money to reclaim the apartment from which he has been evicted. He wanders the downtown streets carrying a painting he hopes to sell, encountering friends, whose lives (and performances) we peek into. He finally manages to sell his painting to a wealthy female admirer, but he's paid by check. Low on cash, he spends the evening wandering from club to club, looking for a beautiful girl he had met earlier, so he'll have a place to spend the night. Downtown 81 not only captures one of the most interesting and lively artists of the twentieth century as he is poised for fame, but it is a slice of life from one of the most exciting periods in American culture, with the emergence of new wave music, new painting, hip hop and graffiti.

Hunting the Legend

Hunting the Legend

Hunting the Legend
Not RatedIMDb 3.52014 95 min

In 2008, a deer hunter was taken by something in the Alabama woods. Only his rifle, blood and a 16" footprint were left behind... Five years later, his son seeks revenge.sasquatchbigfootcreature featuretimeframe 2000swoods1 morePlot summaryPlot synopsisTaglines

Saints and Soldiers: The Void

Saints and Soldiers: The Void

Saints and Soldiers: The Void
16IMDb 5.32014 94 min

The German war machine is in retreat. Two American M 18 tank destroyers are sent to root out a die hard group of Nazis holed up in the Harz Mountains.20th century1940syear 1944militarysoldier51 morePlot summaryAdd synopsis

Action, Drama, War


16IMDb 6.42001 98 min

Paris. 1830. In the heart of the town, Vidocq, a famous detective, disappeared as he fights the Alchemist, an assassin that he has been pursuing for a few months. His young biographer, Etienne Boisset, decides to have revenge on Vidocq's death and takes the investigation on...



6IMDb 2.32001 104 min

Billie Frank is a shy, young multiracial girl who is sent away by her alcoholic mother at a very early age. At an orphanage, she befriends Louise and Roxanne. Flash forward to 1983. Billie and her friends are spotted by a record producer, Timothy Walker, who wants them to sing backup for his latest pop-music discovery. But when super DJ Julian Dice hears Billie's incredible voice, he makes a shady deal with Timothy to get her out of that dead-end situation. Soon, Billie and Dice are making hits inside the studio, and falling in love outside of it. Eventually, the pressure of her newfound celebrity puts too heavy a strain on Billie, forcing her to decide what it is she really wants from Dice, and what she wants for herself.



RIMDb 6.22014 94 min

Two men separated by 100 years are united in their search for freedom. In 1856, slave Samuel Woodward and his family escape from the Monroe Plantation near Richmond, Virginia. A secret network of ordinary people known as the Underground Railroad guide the family on their journey north to Canada. They are relentlessly pursued by the notorious slave-hunter Plimpton. Hunted like a dog and haunted by the unthinkable suffering he and his forbears have endured, Samuel is forced to decide between revenge or freedom. 100 years earlier in 1748, John Newton the Captain of a slave ship sails from Africa with a cargo of slaves, bound for America. On board is Samuel's great-grandfather, whose survival is tied to the fate of Captain Newton. The voyage changes Newton's life forever and he creates a legacy that will inspire Samuel and the lives of millions for generations to come.

Drama, Music
The Painting

The Painting

The Painting
PG-13IMDb 5.82001 97 min

A black man is opposed to his sister's falling in love with a white man.timeframe 1960ssocial issuespolitical unrestinterracial romancefather son relationship6 morePlot summaryAdd synopsis

Drama, Romance
The Affair of the Necklace

The Affair of the Necklace

The Affair of the Necklace
12IMDb 6.02001 118 min

Paris, 1786: a woman in court. The Crown murdered her father for his views about the poor; now Jeanne wants her home and good name back. She believes that all can be set right if she can talk to the Queen, whose House Minister rebuffs her. With the help of a courtside gigolo, she learns to use what others desire to get what she wants. She needs a patron: with forged letters, she convinces Cardinal de Rohan she is the Queen's confidante and can help him regain royal favor. Jeanne conspires to have the Cardinal purchase a fabulous diamond necklace for the Queen. He delivers it to Jeanne for Marie Antoinette. If the scheme breaks down, what then? Might this affair spark revolution?

Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers

Texas Rangers
16IMDb 5.22001 86 min

Set after the American Civil War in the 1870s, 'Texas Rangers' is a story about a group of men determined to maintain peace and contain the chaos that is erupting on the Texan frontier. Native Americans are attempting to reclaim their land, Mexicans are pouring over the U.S. border, and renegade outlaws are tearing up the state, so the Texas Rangers swear to protect the innocent and their loved. To do so, they must be willing to maintain the peace where law enforcement cannot, fight while they are out-manned and out-armed by the opponent, and be willing to die for the freedom for which they fight.

Charlotte Gray

Charlotte Gray

Charlotte Gray
12IMDb 6.42001 121 min

Charlotte (Cate Blanchett), a young Scottish woman, who has studied in France, is living in London during World War II. Within a few weeks she falls in love with a young pilot and is recruited by the Secret Service to act as a courier for the French Resistance. However, her mission behind enemy lines becomes a personal mission to find her lover who has been shot down. Assigned to a Communist Resistance group, she encounters acts of betrayal from sometimes unexpected sources, but meets the violence of war and her own disappointment with hope.

Miss Julie

Miss Julie

Miss Julie
12IMDb 5.52014 129 min

Over the course of a midsummer night in Fermanagh in 1890, an unsettled daughter of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy encourages her father's valet to seduce her.19th centuryyear 1890irelandforbidden lovelove triangle102 morePlot summaryAdd synopsis

Drama, Romance


IMDb 4.62014 97 min

After discovering a mysterious doll in an attic, two high school friends are increasingly plagued by a series of disturbing and unexplained events.2010skiller dollevil dolltimeframe 2010sdoll3 morePlot summaryAdd synopsis

Bang Bang Baby

Bang Bang Baby

Bang Bang Baby
12IMDb 5.02014 90 min

A small town teenager in the 1960s believes her dreams of becoming a famous singer will come true when her rock star idol gets stranded in town. But a leak in a nearby chemical plant that is believed to be causing mass mutations threatens to turn her dream into a nightmare.teenagertimeframe 1960sPlot summaryAdd synopsis



RIMDb 6.62002 99 min

In San Francisco, Zoe is a shy outcast in her working place that adores the love songs she listens to the radio. Zoe goes to a bar with her coworkers and she spends the night talking to a colleague that also like mushy songs. She drinks with him and when she goes to her car to take her cellular to call a taxi, a stalker forces her to drive away. A police officer sees the intruder in her car and asks her to stop the car. However, the guy forces Zoe to run over the policeman that is hit and dies. Zoe has a car accident and the aggressor escapes. Neither the police nor her defense lawyer believes on her words and Zoe is arrested for murdering the policeman. She is confined at home with an ankle bracelet under the surveillance of Daly, a lonely man that falls in love with Zoe. She tries to find a way to leave the spot to chase the criminal and prove her innocence.



PG-13IMDb 3.12002 95 min

In this fast action-packed thriller, Jonathan (Chris Klein), Marcus (LL Cool J), and Aurora (Rebecca Romijn) compete in a dangerous, fierce sport called Rollerball. Although, Jonathan and Marcus try to quit, cruel and vindictive promoter Alexi Petrovich (Jean Reno) encourages them to still participate. Petrovich sends his men to attack them while they are on a trip, but Jonathan survives. In the end during a game of Rollberball, Petrovich attempts a public execution of Jonathan, but the question is will Jonathan get revenge.

Alien Outpost

Alien Outpost

Alien Outpost
16IMDb 4.72014 92 min

A documentary crew follows an elite unit of soldiers in the wake of an alien invasion.militaryindependent filmweightliftingtimeframe 2020stimeframe 2030s132 morePlot summaryPlot synopsisTaglines

The Song

The Song

The Song
12IMDb 5.92014 116 min

Aspiring singer-songwriter Jed King is struggling to catch a break and escape the long shadow of his famous father when he reluctantly agrees to a gig at a local vineyard harvest festival. Jed meets the vineyard owner's daughter, Rose, and a romance quickly blooms. Soon after their wedding, Jed writes Rose "The Song," which becomes a breakout hit. Suddenly thrust into a life of stardom and a world of temptation, his life and marriage begin to fall apart.

Days and Nights

Days and Nights

Days and Nights
12IMDb 4.62014 92 min

Reckless desire wreaks havoc over Memorial Day weekend as a family confronts the volatile and fragile nature of love. Inspired by Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull," set in rural New England in 1984.year 1987rejectiontimeframe 1980shavocactress14 morePlot summaryAdd synopsis

Comedy, Drama


TV-MAIMDb 8.42019 30m

From the writers of Deadpool comes the story of 16 year old Wayne. He's a second generation, socially awkward, bully of bullies, with a heart of gold. He decides to take an unplanned road trip to Florida with his new friend Del, to get back his father's Trans Am, that his mother stole when she left them. With limited resources and nothing but the name of the city he thinks the car is in, he and Del face hilarious and heartfelt situations on their travels together down the Eastern seaboard.

Action, Comedy
Deuces Wild

Deuces Wild

Deuces Wild
16IMDb 5.52002 96 min

Two brothers, Leon and Bobby are members of the street gang in Brooklyn known as the deuces. Their brother was killed by a drug overdose a few years earlier and the gang is determined to keep drugs off their block. Another more vicous gang known as the vipers is a possible threat to Leon and Bobby's efforts. The deuces are determined to do whatever is necessary to keep drugs off their block even if that means dying.

Action, Drama